0:00 Narrator: "But what draws us even closer to Jehovah in a personal way is Life itself - and how he designed us to enjoy it." Back to the father and son. Father to son: "Michael - look how much fun they're having." (cut to JW-style barbecue picnic in the woods) "We're not robots. Jehovah's given us the ability to love, and form satisfying relationships."
There's something kind of weird about the term "satisfying relationships." Why not just say "friendships"? "Satisfying relationships" is like the Society's way of saying "Relationships that are carried out according to our rules." For example, I can't help thinking about the terms "Good/bad association", how "spiritual" a person is, what things can't be talked about (criticising the Society), and supporting the organisation by always "encouraging" each other to stay in it.
0:30 - "[We have the ability] to laugh, and play. We can appreciate beautiful music. See in vivid colours. Smell and taste an almost infinite variety. These things aren't necessary for life."
Erm... Yes they are. Or at least, *were*, at some point in our evolutionary history. Sometimes the style of the Society's arguments against evolution suggests that evolutionists are idiots who haven't even thought about things like this. Colour vision! What a brilliant argument for design! I mean, there's absolutely no way that that could have evolved, right? No mere evolutionist could even begin to imag... Oh, wait:
"High-quality colour vision with a three-colour system may have evolved in our primate ancestors as an aid to finding fruits in the green forest. It has even been suggested, by the Cambridge psychologist John Mollon, that the three-colour system 'is a device invented by certain fruiting trees in order to propagate themselves': an imaginative way to calling attention to the fact that trees benefit from attracting mammals to eat their fruit and spread the seeds."
- Richard Dawkins, Unweaving the Rainbow, page 58.
My reason for including this quote isn't to say "Richard Dawkins is wonderful and knows all the answers and is definitely correct." No. My point is, the Society deliberately "wins" these sort of arguments by presenting only half of the evidence, and then virtually bans individual JW's from doing any research except in their own publications. They don't want people to ask "why?" and search for answers. They just want everyone to accept their own pre-prepared answers, and ignore evidence to the contrary. In this respect they are like the Catholic Church a few hundred years ago.
You could argue that they deliberately keep followers "in the dark" about evidence for evolution.
1:05 - Michael (the boy) is imagining what life would be like without all these wonderful senses: Just a bunch of people sitting around, wearing white, doing nothing, saying nothing, and eating gruel. "That would be boring," he says.
2:00 - Quote from Ecclesiates 3:11 - "He has put time indefinite into our hearts".
The Society uses this scripture to support the idea that Jehovah wants us to live forever, but I can't help feeling that this is not what this verse means. Perhaps it means: "God has put eternity into man's *heart*, but hasn't put it into man's actual *life*. So you can certainly *think* about the future, but one day you are going to die; the same fate (death with no resurrection) awaits everybody." (Ecc 9:2,3) I think this sounds more in harmony with the everything-is-vanity style of Ecclesiates.
2:10 "The more we observe creation, the more we appreciate that life is a gift, meant to be enjoyed."
A bit of common sense. Can't argue with that.
2:54 "The variety we see in the animal kingdom is breathtaking." Shot of a peacock's tail.
I can see where this is going.
"The sight of a feather in a peacock’s tail, whenever I gaze at it, makes me feel sick!" - Charles Darwin.
3:05 - Shots of animals walking, chirping, cuddling, jumping, yawning, marching, swimming
Just like a wildlife documentary, but with all the sex and violence taken out.
3:56 - Shot of a Gazelle running
Hm, I wonder why it's running so fast? Perhaps because it's being chased by another of God's "creatures great and small" (Ps 104:25), which is no doubt trying to kill and eat it. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, GAZELLE!! Anyway, back to the soothing music and animals which *aren't* facing imminent digestion.
4:15 - "Who taught x animal to perform y behaviour?" (long list)
Oh! I've got one: "Who taught the female spider to eat the male after sex?"
And another: "Who instructed the cuckoo in the ways of the Mafia?"
5:00 - DNA. "Incredibly, whether a majestic redwood, or an exotic orchid, a giant whale, or a newborn baby, the design for every living organism is recorded in the same format."
I don't think we're going to hear the words "common ancestor", though.
6:44. Humans. Psalm 139:13-16. "Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing."
The quote stops midway though verse 16, missing off the last part, which reads:
As regards the days when they were formed
And there was not yet one among them.
(New World Translation)
To me, this is really difficult to understand. What on earth does it mean? Here's the last part of verse 16 from some different translations:
All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
(New International Version)
The days allotted to me had all been recorded in your book, before any of them ever began
(Good News Bible)
So is the New World Translation hiding the meaning of the text? Does this verse support predestination? (also compare verse 4) Or is it just really ambiguous Hebrew that could have a number of meanings? I don't know.
7:15 - "What makes us so unique? Of all of Jehovah's earthly creations, how are we different?" Genesis 1:26 "Let us make man in our image."
The reality is probably the exact opposite - with a person (or group)'s "God" being a reflection of his (or their) qualities. (just my opinion)
7:50 - "Our inborn spiritual need...". A man is shown praying.
I haven't prayed for over a year now and I haven't dropped dead yet. Can it really be described as a spiritual *need* if you can survive without it?
7:53 - "...our capacity for love, all separate us from God's animal creation."
HUMANS R TEH BEST!!! Because, of course, no animals are capable of love.
8:08 - "Jehovah gave us the potential to go on living forever." On the brain: "Amazingly, our creative capacity and potential for learning is limitless."
Is this a version of the ten-percent myth?
9:30 - "Out of love, Jehovah promises us a life that we can only dream of."
This is the organisation's way of saying: "Do as we say, and in just a little while all of your dreams will come true!"
9:40 - "Jehovah will cleanse the earth"
This is a euphemism for "kill 6 billion people".
9:54 - "In this New World, we will appreciate animal creation like never before." Shots of a sister petting a lion.
Because the best way to "appreciate" nature's ultra-adapted killing machines is to reduce them to the level of "docile idiot-pet". Strip them of their power and turn them into large, furry tamagotchis.
10:03 - "We can only imagine how rich the real life will be." New System summary.
10:44 - "In vain, many have searched for purpose and meaning through careers..." (woman with about 100 shopping bags arrives at top of escalator and checks her watch)
"Career" is a dirty word in Watchtower-land, just like "ambition". The underlying message is: "There's no point. There's no point in trying to find a satisfying job. Because you won't. Forget all that and come and work for 'Jehovah' (us)."
12:50 - Ted Jaracz is back. I think he's reading from an autocue.
15:02 - Ted: "So many are preoccupied with the imagery and fantasy of television, movies and video games."
Of course, Jehovah's People(TM) aren't preoccupied with imagery and fantasy. On the contrary, they would rather consider *real* things, like scarlet-coloured wild beasts, or large, multi-material statues, or the imminent destruction of everyone but themselves, or the angels who accompany them on their house-to-house ministry.
16:10 - Ted: "It is wise not to be unduly distracted by the works of this world. Neither should we become totally absorbed in personal pursuits or selfish interests."
"The works of this world", or: "Actual Real Life".
The Society promotes the view that "doing spiritual things" (attending its meetings, studying and distributing its literature, recruiting new members) is like depositing funds into a spiritual bank account (Matt 6:20). But (my opinion), instead of going straight up to heaven, all those reports are actually being sucked up though a pneumatic tube then dumped in the middle of a field where no-one collects them. Just like in "Lost".
16:33 - Fade to black. It's over! The usual "encouragements" at the end: Regular meeting attendance, daily Bible reading, weekly family study.